Wolfgang wrote for the ‘Magigram’ for over 12 years and started lecturing for the magicians with his original material, since 1990. With numerous published books and videos available at magic dealers world-wide, he has lectured at The Magic Castle Hollywood (1st African magician to perform there a number of times), The International Brotherhood of Magicians – Bombay, Hong Kong, Lübeck, Bangkok, Geneva, Singapore, Cape Town, FISM Africa and The London Magic Circle.
Besides mentoring and currently still guiding future professional magicians, he also boasts a number of world firsts, including launching the world’s first topic specific Teach-In video for magicians in London in 1989, plus the world’s first magic music video. He may even be the first magician to reach 8 million hits with his Easy Magic Tricks video on YouTube where he teaches simple tricks to budding magicians, plus he built and owned Africa’s first Close-Up magic theatre and conference centre in Cape Town (The Magic Manor – as reviewed in Vanish Magazine). Wolfgang is the originator of many magic tricks, has contributed a huge amount of articles to magical publications throughout the world, judged magicians for FISM Africa and now released his life works in magic, The Complete Works with over 750 pages of original commercial magic for magicians everywhere. He has mentored magicians and helped them appear on various Got talent shows, including Fool Us by Penn & Teller. In 2021 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to magic and is the only African magician with this acclaim. In 2023 he established the Institute of Magical Research, focusing on identifying unique ways to include prestidigitation in corporate messaging.
View the online lecture for $50 now by clicking here:
The lecture is made up of 2 x 60 minute sessions, plus an interval.
Close-up, stage, children, mentalism, cards and business tips, all presented in an easy to understand manner with plenty of gags and humour!
The focus is on practical, tried and tested original tricks and routines that YOU can use immediately!
Mentalism: 3-Way Prediction; Voodoo Prediction; Virtual Prediction; Confabulation Outdone; Business Card Prediction.
Kids Magic: Introduce Yourself: Vanishing & Colour Changing Silk Routine; Invisible Hanky Routine; Colour Changing Penguin.
Stage Magic: Card In Orange Twist, Impromptu Newspaper & Card Sucker Prediction.
Close-Up: PATEO Sucker Prediction; Ink: Unique Paper to Money idea.
Card Magic: 3,4,5 of clubs; Houdini Lives; Card in Paper Wallet.
Mentalism: Dracula Prediction: Fred Outdone Squared.
Kids Magic: Christmas Cracker Vanish; Break-in-Half Wand; Elephant Balloon Animal. Bow-'n-Arrow Balloon.
Stage Magic: Aces in Glass; WR Torn & Restored Newspaper.
Close-Up: Tea to Tee, Not the 8H Prediction.
Card Magic: Mirror Cards; Jumbo Card from Mini Deck; This One - That One; WR Unique Double Lift; Double Back Seconds; WR Unique Ace Appearance; Killer You Do as I Do.
for $50
Click on the link below to book your seat
Close-up, stage, children, mentalism, cards and business tips, all presented in an easy to understand manner with plenty of gags and humour!
The focus is on practical, tried and tested original tricks and routines that YOU can use immediately!
Le Club des Magiciens de Genève: Roger: "Merci Wolfgang pour cette conférence dynamique et pleine d’idées sympas
Bonne nuit à tous." Cyril: "You rock Wolfgang!!! Many thanks." Ginafranco: "🙌🙌🙌✨🔥🔥🔥" Hervé: "👍👏👏👏"
Lübeck Zauberzirkel: John Leverkus: “Wir haben uns alle wohl gefühlt mit dir. War ein tolles Seminar. Wir werden uns sicherlich wiedertreffen.”
IBM Singapore Ring 115: John Teo: “Right from the word “go”, we were all kept laughing by Wolfgang with his witty jokes and one-liner antics. His energy in the room was quite contagious – we all caught it as we sat upright, paying full attention to him, with our lips often breaking out into smiles, as we savoured in and enjoyed every clever joke he cracked as he performed each effect. Attending this lecture had inspired us to be more creative with our own magic. The feedback from the participants was that this was one of the best lectures they had attended.”
Cape Magic Circle: Wayne Abrahamse: “Thank you for your impact on the circle this year!”
FISM Africa & College of Magic: David Gore: ”THANK YOU! We really appreciate your generous spirit and continued support over the years!”
Visit Wolfgang's Online Shop with Original Magic Tricks, Routines, Books & Videos HERE
Memorable Magical Moments
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Wolfgang Riebe
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